Users reported that mail stopped being sent from their server.
Tried to test email functionality from the command line.
# echo "Subject: Testing Sendmail from" | sendmail -v This is a test BYE [ctrl + D]
The message wasn’t sent. I tailed the maillog & checked the service status:
# tail -n 500 /var/log/maillog # service sendmail status master dead by pid file exists
I checked to see if any Sendmail processes were running and there were several.
ps -ef | grep sendmail
Stopped the service, deleted the and the lock file and killed all the sendmail processes, then restarted the sendmail service
# service sendmail stop # rm /var/spool/postfix/pid/ # rm /var/lock/subsys/sendmail # killall -9 sendmail # service sendmail start # service sendmail status
Tailed the logs, resent the email and it was delivered.
# watch tail -n 20 /var/log/maillog